
The early warning system has been established at county road 7900 west of the Lyngen alps in 2019. 

The system works by detecting starting avalanches with a radar and automatically closing the road before the avalanche reaches the street. Cars that have already passed the barriers when the road closes, have enough time to escape the danger zone before the avalanche hits. 

The avalanche area is divided into several zones with two avalanche paths and a safe zone between them.

A closed road is marked with red flashing lights. Most avalanches stop before reaching the road, and the road will then be quickly reopened. If the red light stays on for more than three minutes, the avalanche has likely hit the road, and it may be closed for a longer period.

The Road Traffic Control Center (VTS) monitors the area and will ensure that no one remains in the safe zone longer than necessary.

Bildet viser en infotavle i vårgrønn natur. - Klikk for stort bildeVed Holmbuktura møter trafikantene en infotavle over funksjon og lokasjon av skredvarslingsanlegget. TFFK