The Guest Studio at Troms fylkeskultursenter

We own and run the guest studio at Troms fylkeskultursenter in Tromsø. Visual artists, crafts artists, duodji artists, curators and art critics from Northern Norway, Sápmi and The Arctic region are encouraged to apply. 

Gjesteatelieret/The Guest Studio, Troms fylkeskultursenter - Klikk for stort bildeGjesteatelieret/The Guest Studio, Troms fylkeskultursenter Jasmina Bosnjak/Frank Ludvigsen

For international applicants

Translation of the three buttons at the end of the application form:

  1. Lagre = Save
  2. Avbryt = Cancel
  3. Kontroller og send = Check and submit

Application deadline

Application deadline for 2025: 15.09.2024.
Application form will be available from: 15.08.2024

The guest studio programs are part of Troms County Council’s strategy for increasing and supporting  the international cooperation and exchange programs for artists and institutions in our region.

The guest studio is fully furnished, and consists of a bedroom/living room, a bathroom (washing machine and drying machine combined), a kitchen ( 35m2) and a studio (20m2). The walls are white, the ceiling is high, and the light conditions are good. Wireless internet is available.


  • The guest studio is offered to professional visual artists and crafts artists who wish to stay and work in Tromsø for a limited period of time
  • Visual artists, crafts artists, curators and art critics from North-Norway/The Arctic region/Sápmi are eligible to apply for residency at the guest studio, but other professionals from the art field can also apply (e.g. art writers, producers, etc.)
  • The guest studio is free of charge, and includes the access to workshops at Troms fylkeskultursenter (printing, ceramics, dark room, dye-room)
  • Visual artists, crafts artists, curators and art critics can apply for residencies for a minimum of 2 weeks, and a maximum of 2 months. Please note we do not offer short term residencies.
  • Criteria: Applicants who collaborate with professional artists at Troms fylkeskultursenter, local visual art scene can be given a priority; there will also be placed emphasis on applicant’s project description and the project’s relevance for the local society.
  • Groups of maximum 2 people can apply for residency. Studio, bathroom, kitchen and bedroom must in that case be shared.
  • The guest studio cannot be used in connection with private visits to Tromsø, or as a free of charge accommodation.
  • The County Council also runs our own artist-in-residence and network programs in the Barents region, and facilitates artist exchange in the region. Artists associated with these programs will be given priority.
  • A residency contract must be signed with the owner of the guest studio (Troms County Council). The guest studio cannot be sublet or used by others than the artist(s) who have signed the contract.

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